For Members of Idaho Area 13
Calling all Al-Anon members—longtime members and newcomers alike! Click here to learn more about the 2024 Al-Anon Membership Survey. This service project provides data that helps to validate the effectiveness of recovery through Al-Anon Family Groups. “Participation is the key to harmony,” and your participation is important and greatly appreciated. The survey is open from June 20 to July 31, 2024.
How Al-Anon and Area 13 are Organized
- Members – are the core of Al-Anon. Members belong to Groups
- Groups – Groups are made up of Members who come together regularly in a variety of formats. Groups elect a Group Representative.
- Group Representatives (GRs) – represent the Group at District and at Idaho Area Assemblies.
- Districts – are a collection of Groups. GRs attend District Meetings. Area 13 has seven Districts. The GRs at District elect a District Representative.
- District Representatives (DRs) – attend Area meetings
- Idaho Area 13 – is comprised of all groups in Idaho’s seven Districts. GRs elects a delegate to represent the Area at the World Service Conference.
- AWSC – (Area World Service Committee) consists of Area Officers, Area Coordinators and the District Representatives.
- WSC – (World Service Conference) is an annual meeting of elected Area delegates and WSO trustees and staff.
- WSO (World Service Office ) – is the headquarters of the fellowship, and a clearinghouse of information about Al-Anon and Alateen. It serves Al-Anon Family Groups directly in the US and Canada, and all over the world through the Al-Anon General Service Office of each country.
- USO (Universal Service Office) is a collection Al-Anon World Groups from across the Galaxy.
My Experience with Service Beyond the Group Level - An Excerpt from the Forum
How many times did I hear seasoned members share how grateful they were for the opportunity to serve Al‑Anon beyond the group level and how those Area meetings provided the training ground where they learned to apply the Traditions and Concepts of Service? There was always something magical about the serene look on their faces that was so incredibly attractive to me. I wanted to have what they had.
Area Committee Members
Area Chair
- Janet D.
- Send an Email to the Area Chair
Area Delegate
- Cheryl S.
- Send an Email to the Area Delegate
Area Alt Delegate
Area Treasurer
- Jeanne H.
- Send an Email to the Area Treasurer
Area Secretary
- Marlene F.
- Send an Email to the Area Secretary
Sometimes Miracles Happen - An excerpt from the Forum
I am the oldest child of two alcoholics. That statement tells you a lot about some of the ways the family disease of alcoholism shows up in my life—controlling, caretaking, and people-pleasing being at the top of the list. When I was six years old, my only brother was born, and he became my responsibility. I have spent a lifetime being told to take care of my brother. I believed that it was my job to make sure his needs were met and that he was okay…
Area Coordinators
Area Alateen Coordinator
Area Archives
- Vacant
- No Email Available
Area Webmaster
LIterature Center Liassion
Newsletter Editor
- Vacant
- No Email Available
Group Records
Public Outreach
- Vacant
- No Email Available
Assembly Technologist
- Vacant
- No Email Available
Sometimes Miracles Happen - An excerpt from the Forum
Growing up in an alcoholic home, I lived amidst instability and insecurity daily. Unlike children who grew up being told they were loved “to the moon and back,” or “this much” by someone with arms spread wide, I would ask my mother, “Do you love me today?” only to be answered with a shrug of her shoulders and, “Eh, same as usual.” She died when I was 15, and I never got a different answer.
When my son’s drinking grew out of control, I retaliated with all the fury that had gone unexpressed in my childhood…
District Representative (DR) Information
District 1
- DR: Nicole R.
- Send an Email to District 1 DR
District 2
- DR: Chandra B.
- Send an Email to District 2 DR
District 3
- DR: Chrissy S.
- Send an Email to District 3 DR
District 4
- DR (Contact) : Marlene E.
- Send an Email to District 4 DR
District 5
- DR: Teresa N.
- Send an Email to District 5 DR
District 6
- DR: Shawna F.
- Send an Email to District 6 DR
District 7
- DR: Jana M.
- 208-577-7711
- Send an Email to District 7 DR

“Do You Love Me Today?” - An excerpt from the Forum
Attracting and welcoming newcomers to Al‑Anon is so important. We have all experienced our first Al‑Anon meeting: the nervousness, frustration, embarrassment, and annoyance. My first recollection is being put at ease as soon as I entered the room. My second is being bombarded with a variety of pamphlets about Al‑Anon and the family disease of alcoholism. I remember looking at them thinking, All this for me?
Group Representative (GR) Information
- Guidelines
- GR Guidelines
- Service Manual
- Literature
- Al-Anon Structure – The Links of Service
- Group Inventory
- Group Registration Forms & Updates
Your Group Services Team Talks Rotation of Service - An excerpt from the Forum
Likewise, the concept of rotation of service warrants understanding from the beginning. The general length of time for District and Area service positions is three years. This can work magnificently—the first year is spent learning the responsibilities of the role; the second year is spent effectively carrying out the duties; and by the third year, the experience gained can be shared with the incoming trusted servant. This set length prepares us to rotate out of the position at the end of our term.
Forms, Guidelines, & Policies
Happiness Is Here and Now - An excerpt from the Forum
I came to Al‑Anon years ago looking for tips on how to fix my alcoholic husband. I got a big surprise when you told me that I could only fix me. I am so glad that I stayed long enough to begin to heal myself and recover from this ugly disease. My husband never did find sobriety, but I found wisdom, support, and maturity in this program. I got strong enough to know that I was facing a brick wall with his disease, and my life and serenity was my responsibility. I decided to get a divorce and never regretted that decision; it is not the answer for everyone, but it was for me
How to Donate
Our 7th Tradition states, “Every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”Al-Anon/Alateen accepts donations from members and groups.
Please enclose this Group Contribution Form with your contribution.
Area Donations
Please use this Form
Idaho Area AFG
P.O. BOX 4521
Pocatello. ID 83205-4521
Payee on check: Idaho Area AFG
Memo comments: Group number, District number
See the Treasurer Contact Information for more detailed information from the Treasurer.
WSO Donations
Please use this Form
Al-Anon Family Groups, Inc.
1600 Corporate Landing Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617
Payee on check: AFG, Inc.
Memo comments: Area 13, Group number, District number, Group name if not on the check.
Literature Center Donations
Please use this Form
Al-Anon/Alateen Information Service Center (AAISC)
1111 S Orchard Street, Room 172
Boise, ID 83705
Payee on check: AAISC
Memo comments: Group number
Learning to “Live and Let Live” - An excerpt from the Forum
Before I attended my first meeting, I was much too focused on my alcoholic wife’s behavior and not nearly focused enough on my own. In fact, I was heavily focused on anyone’s behavior besides my own. I tried to make others live the way I wanted them to, thinking I could change them.
Despite my repeated attempts to curb my wife’s behavior through subtle manipulation, my words always fell short, and, if anything, the behavior got worse—both hers and mine. So, when I first heard the slogan “Live and Let Live,” I knew it was something I had to learn right away.
Area 13 Literature Center
A Message from your AAISC Board January 2025
Your Information/Literature Center (AAISC) clarified our mission statement last year, acknowledging our primary purpose as the outreach resource for Area 13. To fulfill that goal the center:
- Provides free outreach flyers to any group or district that requests them.
- Hosts a Zoom account, so any group that wants to meet virtually, may do so without group expense provided no other group claims that time slot. This is planned as an ongoing service to every group in Area 13.
- Provides a “kit” for new meetings including a Service Manual, several daily readers, How Al-Anon Works, Paths to Recovery and 10 Newcomer Packets.
- Maintains a selection of literature on the Pay It Forward Shelf in the Literature Center for newcomers or members in financial difficulty.
Our Center is staffed entirely by member volunteers, including the 24 hour phone service. We strive to stay open Monday – Friday 11-5 and Saturday 10-2 but haven’t been fully staffed since the pandemic. If you live in the area and wish to turbo charge your recovery, call to arrange to volunteer a few hours per week. Those members out of the Boise metro area can still take advantage of this wonderful service opportunity by answering the phone. Call forwarding is used whenever there is no one physically at the Center.
208-344-1661 or email
All About AAISC
The Area 13 Al-Anon/Alateen Information Service Center is available to all Area 13 members and groups. Ordering through your Area Literature Center frees up time at the WSO and supports Area 13 efforts. The Service Center keeps an ample supply of conference-approved literature, including the new daily reader, A Little Time for Myself.
Because the Literature/Information Center is staffed entirely by volunteers, it’s best to call before coming: 208-344-1661. We strive to stay open 6 days/week, but it’s not always possible. Several volunteers are on vacation through August.
There are 2 service opportunities for members with a heart for our literature:
1. If you live in the Boise metro area, consider donating 3 hours of time per week to staff the center and be available for newcomers and those in crisis.
2. Consider answering the phone when there is no volunteer in the center. Anyone in the area could talk to newcomers, provide meeting schedules and refer them to Al-Anon’s Welcome Page. All it takes is the willingness to answer the phone.
If you wish to make a donation to the Idaho Area 13 Literature Center, please click here.
Local Al-anon and Alateen groups may purchase literature from the Area 13 Literature Center at
Location: 1111 S. Orchard, Suite 172, Boise, ID
Phone: 208-344-1661
Here is a link to the Al-Anon/Alateen World Service Organization online bookstore, where you can purchase Conference-Approved Literature for your district or group. Note: Clicking this link will take you away from the Idaho Area Al-Anon website to the World Service Office Al-Anon Family Groups website.
Click HERE for the Area 13 Literature Order Form.