Idaho Al-Anon/Alateen

Events In and Around Idaho!

Still Learning and Growing - An excerpt from the Forum

I attended my first Al‑Anon meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe, in 1979. Since then, the program has sustained me through many crises, including the suicide of my son at age 18 in 1994 and the death of my husband two months later in a car accident, caused by his intoxication.

When I entered that Al‑Anon room for the first time, my life was centered around my alcoholic husband and two young children. My misery, fear, and despair were profound. I hoped the woman sitting in the room would tell me how to stop my husband’s drinking and create a happy life for my children

Events in Idaho

The Area 13 Spring Assembly is a Zoom Meeting and will be held on May 17th, 2025. 

Check back for as more information becomes available.


Spring AWSC Meeting is scheduled for March 15th,  2025 and is a Zoom meeting.

Click here for the DRAFT Agenda

Comfortable Hearing My Own Voice - An excerpt from the Forum

Sharing in meetings has always been super hard for me. I tend not to speak up much in meetings. My natural tendency is to isolate—both when things are going well and when I am struggling. As I have grown in the Al‑Anon program, I have experienced a great sense of relief each and every time I share.

Speaking about my experiences living with alcoholism validates my feelings, thoughts, and concerns. In Al-Anon, I have the wonderful opportunity to talk with a group of caring individuals whose life experiences are similar to mine.

Area Events


World service conference

Send a card of encouragement to our Area Delegate, Cheryl S. at the WSO meeting this April 18-21! Click here for more information.

My Confusion Cleared - An excerpt from the Forum

I came into Al‑Anon angry, hurting, and confused as to how I managed a career, but seemed to consistently fail in my personal relationships. I had no idea that being raised in an alcoholic home had affected me so deeply. More importantly, I never had hope that life could be any different. But through my distress and pain, I landed in Al‑Anon where I found others who understood me. I’ll never forget the moment I heard them share and discovered that our stories sounded the same—I was no longer alone!

Regional Events

Event Upcoming...

Event Upcoming...

March Forth into Service - An excerpt from the Forum

Al‑Anon Family Groups’ cofounder, Lois W., would be celebrating her 130th birthday on March 4, 2021. One of her familiar quotations is, “It takes only one person to start something, but many others to carry it out.” With our Legacies—the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Service—we are well-guided to continue to “carry it out.”

After Lois died in 1988, the Board of Trustees approved “March 4th into Service” as the 1989 World Service Conference theme.

Special Events

Area 13 Calendar

2025 World Service Conference


Click here to see the informational presentation from our Idaho Delegate at the 2024 World Service Conference!