Idaho Al-Anon/Alateen

Current, Recent Past, & Archives

Celebrating the Gift of Al-Anon Recovery - An excerpt from the Forum

I find that recovery from the effects of someone else’s alcoholism, as rewarding as it can be, can also be very hard work. That’s why I think it’s important to regularly acknowledge my accomplishments, focus on my gratitude, and celebrate with other members. I’ve often done this by attending group and District anniversaries, Area conventions, and the Al‑Anon International Conventions…

Minutes and Financials

Affected by Alcoholism, Recovering in Al-Anon - An excerpt from the Forum

As a child growing up with an alcoholic father, I often curled myself up into the corner of my bed, plugged my ears, and made myself “invisible”—tuning out the violence in our home. By my teenage years, I didn’t have to hide and plug my ears anymore; I was an expert at tuning things out and being the invisible child.

My mother, brothers, sister, and I never talked about what was happening. We really didn’t talk about anything. We watched TV and escaped to friends’ homes where we still didn’t talk about it…

Idaho Area 13 Newsletters

In a Safe Place - An excerpt from the Forum

I have not missed the irony that the same place where I dropped my daughter off for preschool 14 years ago is now the place where I attend Al-Anon meetings because of her drinking. I remember the first day I dropped her off at preschool. She was sobbing uncontrollably, and it pained me to leave her that way. I called my mom, crying. “I’m not sure why I am crying too,” I said. She told me it was because I was entrusting my child to someone else’s care.

Historical Archives

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Early WSO Letters
1952 Letter to WSO
This is a letter from a very early Al-Anon Family Group in Idaho Falls, 1952. They wrote to Lois W. to vote to accept our Traditions!
1962 Teen Letter about Alateen
This is a letter from a teenager to WSO.
1962 WSO Letter about Alateen
This is WSO’s response to the teenager letter.
1972 Letter from WSO to Organize

Beginning of Idaho Area
1972 Minutes of Idaho’s First Meeting to Organize
1972 Agenda of Idaho’s First Meeting to Organize
1972 Letter from WSO to Organize
1972 Letter to Groups for Delegate Expense
1972 Letter to Groups to Organize Area
1973 Announcement of First Idaho Area Assembly
1975 Assembly Flyer
A Short Area History – Area 13

District Histories
District 1 History – Coeur d’Alene
District 2 History – Lewiston
District 5 History – Pocatello
This is a letter from the first Pocatello Al-Anon Family Group, 1951.
District 6 History – Idaho Falls
This is a letter from the first Idaho Falls Al-Anon Family Group, 1966.
District 7 History – Ontario, OR
This group was instrumental in the split from District 3 to start a new District 7 for meetings west of Boise.